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Youth Speaks Out

Youth Speaks Out featured image

On Saturday five teams each comprised of three pupils, competed in the regional semi-finals of the Rotary Youth Speaks public speaking competition – with outstanding results.

The fifteen girls from Years 7 to 10 were entered as three teams for the Intermediate and two for the Senior competition. They faced stiff opposition from Leicester High School, Beauchamp College and Twycross School as they battled for the two places in the regional finals. In the Intermediate section both places were awarded to Our Lady’s Convent School and in the Senior competition one of our teams is progressing to the next stage.

Mr Gallagher, Head of Sixth Form, has long encouraged pupils within the school to learn public speaking skills and there is a long tradition of our pupils excelling in this discipline.

Speaking after the event he said, “I am a firm believer in learning the art of public speaking, this competition and the required preparation gives each participant valuable experience such as being disciplined when dealing with a topic in a limited time and performing as a member of a team.”

Dr Julian Murphy, Headmaster said, “I am delighted with how well the girls have performed this weekend. Their hard work, dedication and practice have prepared them well for the competition. I am sure the whole school joins me in congratulating all the teams on their achievements and in wishing ‘good luck’ to the three teams progressing to the next stage of the competition.”

There are three more stages of the competition; the next stage will be the regional finals on 24 February.