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Understanding the written word is considered to be a basic skill required by everyone. We believe it should be so much more. The joy of reading to relax, escape, discover and learn is one we want every student to experience, embrace and enjoy. It is why reading is timetabled on a regular basis in Form time and is actively encouraged throughout the School.

The Preparatory School has a colourful, bright and spacious library run by our Librarian and supported by Year 6 Library Monitors, who also read to younger children and lead by example to show that reading is fun.

In the Senior School the Justham Library has a range of resources to support study and reading for pleasure. Our Librarian runs book clubs and a creative writing club, also guiding those looking to take more responsibility through the Pupil Librarian Programme.

The Justham Library

The Justham Library has been developed and continues to evolve as an important resource centre for the School. It is staffed by our qualified Librarian and is open throughout the School day, giving pupils and staff access to a wide range of resources for study and research. The library also offers a quiet sanctuary for the Sixth Form in which they can work during non-contact lesson times.

The resources in the library consist of a solid based reference collection and a non-fiction collection of books complemented by a wide range of new multimedia technology. The library catalogue is computerised using the ECLIPSE web-based library management system in order to enhance search facilities for all users.

In the Seniors, access to the Internet is available to all students for educational purposes and is integrated with the library management system, offering access to Weblinks – a full range of evaluated websites that are relevant to the School curriculum. In order to keep abreast of recent developments the library subscribes to several newspapers and journals.

Libraries featured image
Libraries featured image

Library Monitors

In both the Preparatory and Justham Library pupils are given the opportunity to become Library Monitors. In the Justham Library, the role is open to all and the team is composed of a mix of pupils ranging from Year 7 to Sixth Form. Monitors work in pairs, overseen by our Librarian, over the lunch time period to provide an efficient Library service.

Our Prep Library

The Preparatory Library is extremely well stocked with books to support the curriculum from Reception to Year 6, as well as a variety of picture books and fiction to encourage our children’s love of reading before and after School. We also offer weekly storytelling and library sessions, led by the Librarian, to engage wriggly readers and open their eyes to the pleasure they can find in the pages of a book.

The Preparatory Library is computerised using the JuniorLibrarian system from ECLIPSE and is staffed each day for Library lessons and at lunch time by student monitors. We have an excellent track record of helping reluctant readers embrace the joy of immersing themselves in a good book – a skill which will stay with them forever.

Pupil Librarian Programme

This is an optional, graded, programme open to all Senior Library Monitors; providing an opportunity for the School to recognise the level of hard work and effort that pupils put in to the running of the Justham Library throughout the year. They are encouraged to develop important transferable skills such as organisation, communication and interpersonal skills. Each level of the programme requires monitors to attain a certain standard of competency in four main areas: responsibilities, desk duties, resources, and customer service. As pupils move through the programme they continue to build upon these areas of capability, developing in confidence and aptitude.

"I have really enjoyed my work in the Library. It has also been a fantastic experience for me in terms of learning new skills"

Pupil Librarian

Library Clubs

Creative Writing Club

‘If there is a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, you must be the one to write it.’
Toni Morrison

The Creative Writing Club is open to all years, and meets once a week to exchange writing tips, share creative ideas and gain feedback on written work. Jointly run by our Librarian and Head of English, the club provides students with a platform to share their work and hone their writing craft.

Book Clubs

‘Whenever you read a good book, somewhere in the world a door opens to allow in more light.’
Vera Nazarian

Here at Loughborough Amherst School, we believe in providing an holistic educational experience which prepares our pupils well for the road ahead. Reading fiction has been proved to be beneficial to cognitive, emotional and social development. A key purpose of our School Libraries is the promotion of books and reading, supporting no less than three book clubs:

Each club meets once a term to share reading experiences and talk about all things books