Our Mission Statement

Legis Plenitudo Caritas
Love is the fulfilment of the law

Our Vision

Founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ, we are a Catholic school, universal and welcoming of all, where every pupil is enabled to flourish and achieve their greatest potential so that they may shine a light and make the world a better place.

Our Aims featured image
Our Aims featured image

Our Aims

  • To promote a culture of love for one another through faith in action and our school virtues
  • To develop the whole person, rooted in Rosmini’s belief that ‘a pupil must be allowed to grow and develop as an integrated [rounded] human person’
  • To sustain our Minerva learning culture, centered on growth mindset and personal responsibility, and set high expectations for all through academic excellence
  • To support pupils to grow and gain confidence through personal development and co-curricular opportunity


Our Virtues

We focus on core virtues linked to our strategic aims:

  • Love and respect for the dignity of the human person
  • Courage to grow in confidence and be resourceful
  • Wisdom to discover knowledge and truth


Learn about our strategic pillars here.

Read the Amherst prayer here.

"Everyone is known and valued for who they are."

Mr James Neville MA (Oxon), MPhil (Cantab)
