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Rotary Public Speaking Success

Rotary Public Speaking Success featured image

Recently three teams from Our Lady’s Convent School, competed in the regional finals of the Rotary Youth Speaks public speaking competition in Uppingham.

The nine girls from Years 7 to 10 were entered as two teams for the Intermediate section and one for the Senior competition. To reach this stage the girls had seen off stiff opposition from Leicester High School, Beauchamp College and Twycross School in the regional semi-finals at the end of January.

At the regional finals one of our Intermediate teams, Year 8, was awarded a place in the next stage of the competition which will take place during April.

Speaking after the event Mr Chris Gallagher, Head of Spiritual Life said, “The three teams performed well on the day and I was very proud of them. The Senior team, which is comprised of Year 10 pupils, were up against some very experienced Sixth Form teams and to have achieved all they have so far is a credit to their hard work and determination.”

Headmaster, Dr Julian Murphy, said, “Skills such as public speaking are invaluable throughout life and these three teams have given up their lunchtimes and evenings to hone their techniques and delivery. Obviously I would like to have seen all three progress to the next stage of the competition but I would like to congratulate each team member for their hard work. The Intermediate team progressing to the next round of the competition will be doing so in their own time during the Easter holidays and they have my wholehearted thanks, congratulations and good wishes.”