Hear from Head of Prep School, Izzy Winton | Pupils, Johnny and Jasmine | Director of Music, Nicky Bouckley | Director of Sport, Jo Hackett

"People often comment on the warm feeling that Amherst has. It seems, at least to me, to come out of the very walls of the building."

Izzy Winton

Head of Prep School

"Amherst is like a big happy family!"

Johnny and Jasmine


"We have over 50 ensembles and choirs rehearsing each week here in the Music Department."

Nicky Bouckley

Director of Music

"Our focus is on engaging every student in a range of sporting activities and experiences as well as developing a life-long love of sport and activity, which will set our students up for a healthy active lifestyle ready for when they leave us and move onto their next challenges."

Jo Hackett

Director of Sport