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Years 8, 9 and 10

Girls are assessed in Mathematics, English, and an on-screen computer assessment analysing a range of subjects and skills.


For entry into Years 8, 9 and 10 the format of the papers is identical, although the papers themselves are different according to age group. There are two main components of the assessment in English: comprehension (reading) and composition (writing). The assessment lasts 75 minutes, with the comprehension followed by the composition.


Candidates read a passage and answer questions on what they have read. The answers expected will range from brief to lengthier responses.
Some indication of the length of the answer required is given by the number of marks allocated to it and the space available on the paper for the answer.


Candidates select one title from several on offer.

There will be a variety of tasks set, for example a story, a description, an essay in which an opinion is invited.

Candidates should write in a lively, imaginative way, selecting words with care, and paying attention to punctuation and spelling. We are looking for quality rather than quantity, and therefore, excessively long answers to the composition should be avoided.


The Mathematics paper lasts for 60 minutes.

Candidates for Year 8 and Year 9 do not use a calculator.

For Year 10 the majority of questions will require the use of a calculator.

Computer Assessment

Girls undertake a computer-based assessment assessing English, Maths and reasoning. There is no need to prepare for this assessment.


Each candidate will have a short, informal interview, usually with the relevant Head of Year.

For Year 10 entry only, there are short discussions with the Heads of English, Maths and Sciences, just to ascertain a girl’s previous study and suitability for joining the beginning of GCSE courses at LHS at the start of Year 10.