The High School employs a non-teaching, full-time Head of Futures who works closely with the Senior Leadership Team, Heads of Year, Head of PSCHE and the Oxbridge Co-ordinator to ensure that the needs of each student and the department are met. The Head of Futures works closely with the Sixth Form Team in supporting students with the UCAS application process.

Aims of the Futures department

We aim to ensure that all pupils feel valued as individuals and promote a holistic approach to Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) which helps pupils form realistic aspirations for a changing world of work.

Our pupils are entitled to CEIAG that is progressive and cumulative and helps to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. Good CEIAG will help them to develop the knowledge and skills needed to make successful decisions and manage transitions in learning, training and employment that suit their interests and abilities.

We are committed to providing a CEIAG programme which:

  • Encourages our pupils to research, explore, experience and discuss their aspirations, abilities and skills
  • Is impartial and confidential, and accessible to all pupils
  • Promotes equality of opportunity and challenges stereotypes
  • Reflects the changing world of learning, training and employment
  • Is well-resourced and appropriately staffed

In their role as form tutor or subject teacher every teacher is a careers teacher on account of their past experience and network contacts. Together with parents and family friends we are front line role models for students, operating ourselves as qualified professionals in an organisation.

Education, information, advice and guidance

Traditionally the majority of our students go on to university, completing their UCAS applications in Year 13. For this reason, we run a number of whole cohort events in the Sixth Form and support sessions which focus on making informed choices and navigating the UCAS process. Individual careers guidance is available, however, to all students throughout their time in the school irrespective of their future aspirations; we are here to help you achieve your ambitions and to take the next steps towards what we hope will be a happy and successful future.

2023 Destinations and Futures

  • 100% of applicants received an offer at university
  • 80% of students received an offer from their first-choice university
  • Two thirds of students went on to study at Russell Group universities
  • LHS students selected to study at 26 different universities
  • Durham and Leeds universities were both chosen by 5 students each, whilst 4 students chose Sheffield and Newcastle
  • 43% of students selected to study STEM subjects
  • 23% of students went on to study Medicine and related courses
  • Other chosen subjects for further study included archaeology, law, liberal arts, geography, languages, sport, psychology, culture and media, PPE, and professional policing.

University Destinations