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Tableaux 2021

Tableaux 2021 featured image

Backstage at Tableaux: An Interview with Mrs Pellereau

To the audience, Tableaux appears serene and poised, and provides an opportunity for the audience to take a moment of reflection. The music department provide phenomenal atmosphere and there is a dedicated front-of-house team organised by Mr Thompson. However, behind the scenes things are a little different! Below, Mrs Pellereau answers our questions about how Team Tableaux put together The High Schools’ fantastic Christmas tradition from behind the scenes.

Q: What exactly is Tableaux and why is it so important?

A: Tableaux is the LHS carol service. Alongside fantastic music and poignant readings, the Year 13 students have the opportunity to dress up in various costumes with the aim of replicating famous pictures. It’s a long-standing tradition of almost 100 years and there are a lot of memories associated with it from previous students and staff. It’s important as a way for Year 13 to celebrate together, for our community to engage with a fascinating tradition and have a shared experience between generations of High School students.

Q: What is your role at Tableaux?

A: I suppose I’m like the director or producer: I have a lot of things on my list! My biggest job is to email Year 13 and ask for their preferences on parts. We then cast each role which I do with a small group: Mrs Ghaly, Mrs Stubbs and Mrs English. It’s a real jigsaw puzzle, but we try to make sure every cast member has a part they will be happy with, as well as finding replacements if anyone needs to miss a performance. I also have to make sure we’ve booked the Lecture Room and Hall and discussed the layout with caretaking and the team to check everyone is happy. I arrange the rehearsal day and make sure all staff and students know where to be when. I organise the readers, making sure our guest readers such as the Governors, have the info they need. I also arrange a Year 7 cherub and a Jesus for Tableaux 10. I’m the go-to person for any questions so it’s always a busy period! During the performances I’m on stage with Mrs English arranging the cast into position.

Q: Who are Team Tableaux and what different roles do they have?

A: The Tableaux Team is made up of a group of dedicated staff from LHS who have lots of amazing skills including beard application, make-up, costumes, hair, incense lighting, scene-shifting and setting the cast on the stage. The team work incredibly hard backstage to ensure each cast member is a faithful representation of the person in the painting and the Lecture Room is a hive of activity! I would love to list everyone but there’s not going to be enough room, but I would like to extend my thanks to all of them for the incredible hard work they put in.

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Tableaux 2021 featured image

Q: What is scene-shifting and how does that work?

A: Scene-shifting is exactly like in a theatre performance where the team of Year 12 students and two staff (Mx Coady and Dr Coombs) work at speed to change over the backdrops and props in between the scenes. They rehearse over the weeks preceding Tableaux and bring it all together over the Tableaux week. There’s often some excitement, for example this year the scene-shifting crew were holding the scenery for Tableaux 9 by hand for the whole of the Ave Maria solo!

Q: Are the Tableaux the same every year?

A: Yes, although Tableaux 2 was new 6 years ago. We had two scenes with Mary sat on a table and so we decided to replace one with a picture of the visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. The introduction of a new Tableaux is an incredible amount of work as the scenery, backdrops and costumes have to be made, and the music department need to be consulted on changes to the programme, which I must note is finalised superbly every year by Nicky Bouckley, the LSF Director of Music. We aren’t planning any changes in the short term, but we do always consider it. I have an angel Tableaux I’d love to introduce so maybe one might be on the cards soon?!

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Tableaux 2021 featured image

Q: Any funny backstage moments you can share?

A: There was the year we hid a toy lamb in every scene, and no one noticed until near the end. Or this year our baby Jesus (my son) needed a bathroom visit at an inopportune moment meaning I missed setting Tableaux 4-5 which are two of the most complicated! There’s always a lot of hilarity upstairs with beards and make-up. One year we had a bit too much laughter on the stage and Simeon in the grey scene ended up a little over-excited and ended up walking off the stage mid-scene. There’s always some fun with the props as well, and the grey doll has a tendency to look problematic – this year the paint to touch him up was green so he looks mossy!

Q: Finally, if you could be any part in the Tableaux, who would you be?

A: Hard question! I would probably like to have a bit of fun and be bearded: perhaps the red-hatted man in Tableaux 3? I also have a soft spot for the Lady in Green in 2 who was first played by a member of my form, who was a bit nervous and wobbled a bit! Being in the grey scene would also be interesting… I think I would genuinely be happy with any part as they’re all fun in their own way!

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