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Izzy awarded Army Officer Scholarship

Izzy awarded Army Officer Scholarship featured image

We are hugely proud that one of our cadets, Izzy, has been successful in her application to the Army Scholarship Scheme. This not only has an attractive financial package but also secures her place for officer training at Sandhurst.

Have a read of Izzy’s experience in applying for the scheme, and tips for future applicants:

I began selection for the Army Officer Scholarship Scheme in autumn last year. It started with lots of lengthy admin forms before an interview with the Senior Recruiter. This was less nerve wracking than I had expected – they just wanted to get to know me and check my suitability for the army.

During February half term, I went on a GAIC (Generic Army Insight Course) at Swynnerton where I met others who were in the same process. Here we looked at what being an officer would entail, as well as lessons on patrolling and command tasks, ending with a night in the field. Alongside this, I required a headteacher’s report which was sent off along with feedback from my GAIC and the interview to the scrutiny board, which shortlisted people down for main board. I was successful at the scrutiny board after passing a full medical examination at Westbury.

A few days after CCF summer camp I went down to Westbury’s Army Officer Selection Board where I experienced an intense two-and-a-half day selection process including: psychometric tests (personality test, memory and attention, abstract, verbal and numerical reasoning); leaderless tasks; command tasks; essay writing; two sets of interviews; planning exercise; along with group and individual discussion; bleep test; and individual obstacle course. Seeing the standard of people there was daunting and I convinced myself I had been unsuccessful because not everything went the way I had hoped.

However a few days after, I received the news that they had awarded me the scholarship. This means I have guaranteed 6th form and university funding and a guaranteed place at Sandhurst at the end of my degree. My candidate support manager congratulated me and made me aware of how well I had done despite the really tough competition that had applied this year and the lack of scholarships they actually give out.

Izzy’s advice for anyone looking to follow the same path:

"be yourself, give everything 100%, don't be afraid to speak up and just be confident in your ability - it will get you far."
