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High School in UK top 5%

High School in UK top 5% featured image

Loughborough High School is in the top 5% of all schools in the United Kingdom for academic achievement and is recognised as a leading independent girls’ school in the East Midlands.

The Sunday Times Parent Power 2023 league tables were published in December 2022, for summer exam results in 2022.

School league tables are in many ways a rather crass measurement of school success: they can be a blunt measure of so many things – academically and otherwise. They lack subtlety in measurement; using one metric over another can see a school move up or down its position dramatically. They also do not account for the richer breadth of school life through its pastoral and co-curricular provision. However, they are part of our educational landscape, for all their flaws.

It is pleasing to see Loughborough High School maintain its place as one of the leading schools nationally. The school was placed 111th overall for all independent schools nationally. There are around 4,000 secondary schools in the United Kingdom, and Loughborough High easily places in the top 200 schools for all school types, so placing in the top 5%. We are the leading girls’ school in the East Midlands region when combining GCSE and A Level results.

This is a superb accolade, and one we are proud of. This is achieved in a school where we promote a love of learning as an end in itself, in a relaxed and supportive environment for girls: these results come organically from this culture and nurturing environment.

These are yet further stellar commendations for the School, following on from our recent ISI inspection where we received ‘Excellent’ gradings – the highest possible.

If you would like to learn more about what Loughborough High School can offer your daughter, please be in touch with our Admissions department.