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Gold for Indienne

Gold for Indienne featured image

Following on from Indienne King’s last Cross Country season; where she won her first-ever “International Vest” racing for England in Dublin, Ireland – Indienne began the new Cross Country season, the way she finished last years Cross Country season – ‘winning’

With a lot of expectation from the Cross Country supporters, who turned up early to watch Indienne race, at Prestwold Hall; Indienne did not disappoint and took the race on ‘by the scruff of the neck’ by leading from ‘the gun’, leaving both the U17’s and the U18’s (senior) athletes in her ‘wake’…

She led the race, the whole way round the course – from start to finish, dominating and building a lead of more than 300m, ahead of the second placed ‘Senior’ girl – as she finished. Winning the GOLD medal for the Loughborough High School.

  • Gold for Indienne featured image
  • Gold for Indienne featured image
  • Gold for Indienne featured image
Gold for Indienne featured image Gold for Indienne featured image Gold for Indienne featured image