Back to Instrumental Tuition

We are committed to providing the very best in musical education and opportunities for our pupils. The development of our award-winning Music department in 2006 and the attainment of 'All-Steinway School' status in 2015, are each a testament to this determination to offer enhanced provision in this important area.

Music education is recognised for developing skills beyond music ability: it cultivates social skills in encouraging teamwork in ensembles and choirs; refines discipline and patience by developing focussed attention during practice; boosts self-esteem by offering a platform whereby everyone recognises that all have room for improvement, and presenting the results of their hard work to a public audience. Maths and music skills are highly intertwined, and there is strong evidence that learning music improves memory skills.

In recognising that a music education is important, we also want to ensure that barriers to taking up an instrument are not insurmountable.

Music Tuition Assistance Scheme

Designed to support our instrumental teaching programme by offering financial assistance for individual instrumental or vocal lessons at Loughborough Schools Music. The scheme offers support in two main areas:

The Endangered Species Instrument Programme (ESIP)

Designed to encourage the take-up of less common instruments such as trombone, French horn, oboe, bassoon and double bass, to ensure that we can continue to provide balanced ensemble provision in the future. ESIP is a two-year scheme that provides one term’s instrumental tuition free of charge, followed by five further terms of tuition at half the usual rate. We can offer only a limited number of ESIP awards each year, and applications are invited towards the end of the summer term in advance of starting in September.

Instrumental Music Assistance (IMA)

Available to enable those receiving means-tested financial assistance from the schools to access our exceptional instrumental teaching. It gives a discount on the cost of instrumental tuition, subject to status.

We have limited finance available for these schemes, which only exist due to the generosity of our current donors. Should you feel you are able to help, by making a single donation, or a regular gift, please use the links below.

Donate Online:

Click here to donate online

Direct Debit:

Set up a direct debit online

Download and print a form

Bank Transfer:

Payable to: Loughborough Schools Foundation
Sort Code: 60-14-10
Account Number: 89170873
Reference:  Your name / MTAS


Download and print our GiftAid Form

then make your cheque payable to: ‘Loughborough Schools Foundation’

Loughborough Schools Foundation
No 3 Burton Walks
LE11 2DU

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, Loughborough Schools Foundation receives an additional £25 for every £100 you give. If you pay income tax at the higher rate, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self Assessment tax return, if you want to receive the additional tax relief due to you. Learn more about GiftAid