Our purpose

Our mission is to build fulfilled and world-ready young men.

Our aims

• We aim for excellence in all that we do and all that our boys do.
• We aim to invest in relationships to ensure every boy is supported and challenged.
• We aim to ensure that every boy’s journey through Loughborough Grammar School is fun for them.

Our approach

We deliver to this through LGS Learner which underpins everyday life in our school.

Our values

The following five values underpin a Loughborough Grammar School education:


We inspire our students to become intellectually curious, lifelong learners, who have the confidence to be innovative and unafraid of failure.


LGS boys grow into healthy young men with a sense of perspective. They are aware of the emotional wellbeing of others and talk about their concerns.


Our students learn to demonstrate good judgement in their decisions. The spirit of Loughborough Grammar School is characterised by constructive relationships between all members of our community based on the core value of treating others as we would like to be treated ourselves.


LGS boys understand their responsibilities towards the wider communities in which they live. They develop into engaged citizens with a healthy respect for others and their differences.


Our boys leave us as self-disciplined, adaptable leaders who embrace change. They work as a team and celebrate the successes of others.

"Pupils throughout the school demonstrate a strong sense of self-worth, substantial self-confidence and self-discipline"

ISI Inspection Report