Back to Admissions Overview

1 Explore the website and make contact with the School

Contact the Registrar, Hannah Wyatt, who will be happy to answer any queries that you may have about the School and who will also be able to discuss all areas of the process with you.


Phone +44 (0)1509 638280

2 Visit our School

We offer the following opportunities to visit:

Open Events

Our next whole school Open Morning is on 28 September 2024 – you can register your interest in this event here. Amherst Preparatory School do hold additional Open Events throughout the year, details of which are available from the Registrar.

Personal Tours

Personal Tours of the School are available on school days by appointment. Come along and meet with a member of the Leadership team and see the Preparatory School at work.

3 Apply

Application Form

International Application Form

Sixth Form

In addition, you may wish to apply for:

A small number of significant School Assisted Places are available of up to 50% of fees (larger bursaries may be available, dependent on exceptional performance at GCSE). These are dependent upon performance in the GCSE examinations, parental income and a meeting at the School. Please indicate if you wish to apply for a SAP on the Registration Form

4. Entrance Assessments

Prep and Senior School

We assess children for Entrance throughout the year, subject to places being available.

If you have any questions regarding any of the above information and dates, please contact our Registrar.

Sixth Form

Entry into the Sixth Form is dependent upon ability and attitude, together with a minimum of five GCSE passes at Grade 5, or higher, including English and Mathematics, a Headteacher’s report and personal interview. Some subjects may require higher grades for entry to A Level.

5 Acceptance of an offer

Prep and Senior School

A decision letter is sent out within two weeks of your son or daughter sitting their Entrance Assessment.

Sixth Form

For entry to Year 12, provisional offers are made which are confirmed on GCSE results day. When the provisional offer is made, you will be asked to confirm the subjects which your son or daughter wishes to study and to sign the parent contract. You will be asked to contact us on GCSE results day to notify us of the grades your son or daughter has achieved and, provided they have met the requirements specified in your offer letter, the provisional offer will be confirmed straight way. Should they not meet the entry requirements, it may be possible to offer courses in alternative subjects and we would be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.

We request that acceptance of a place is made by the date specified in the offer letter. Information on our Cancellation Policy can be found HERE


6 Induction programme

Prep and Senior

During the summer term prior to admission, your son/daughter will be invited to attend an Induction Day. Pupils meet their form teacher and fellow year group and take the opportunity to familiarise themselves with school life. At the end of the induction day, parents are invited in to meet each other and key members of staff.

Sixth Form

Induction for all new students is held on the first day of the Autumn term.