Voluntary Service Unit (VSU) takes place every Thursday afternoon as a valuable part of the Sixth Form enrichment programme.
It provides students in Years 12 and 13 with the opportunity to give something back to the local community in Loughborough, with students recently working with residents at Connaught House, making links with John Storer House and providing provisions for the Carpenter’s Arms.
The annual Christmas Senior Citizen’s Party for local elderly residents are organised by the VSU team. Generally, forty to fifty guests attend and enjoy the Choirs’ singing, tea, cake and sandwiches and the obligatory game of bingo.
The School also has a long tradition of going to Lourdes to assist the sick, elderly and disabled pilgrims of Nottingham Diocese to attend a wide variety of religious services. Again this activity is organised and coordinated by the VSU team. This work links directly with the Catholic ethos of our School and follows the long tradition of the Sisters of Providence, the Rosminians, serving the local community through living out the School motto ‘legis plenitude caritas’; charity/love is the fulfilment of the law.
These rewarding sessions enable Sixth Formers to show initiative, commitment and service. Their teamwork supports others and provides them with opportunities outside the classroom through learning by doing. Over the last few years their enterprise, efforts and initiatives have been recognised by awards from: the Diana Trust, the Lord Lieutenant’s Office, NCS and the Bishop of Nottingham Diocese.