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Life After LHS

Life After LHS featured image

On Wednesday 10 February, Year 12 took part in a ‘Life After LHS’ day where they took part in activities and sessions around the many options available to them when they leave the High School.

Our Head of Futures and the Sixth Form team led talks about university, apprenticeships and gap years but the highlight of the day was a talk from two ex-students of LHS currently studying in their second year of university. Mansi and Diya talked and explained their paths throughout school and beyond, and how they came to be studying in London and Loughborough respectively.

The advice, help and support they offered to Year 12 was fantastic, and it was great to get advice from one High School girl to another. The sessions from the day, along with specialists talks on entry to medicine, Oxbridge applications and applying to university overseas are available for students and parents to view on the Futures page of Firefly.