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Edinburgh Festival Fringe

Edinburgh Festival Fringe featured image

On the 4 – 11 August the LSF Drama Department took a cast of 7 students on the annual trip to Edinburgh Fringe Festival where they were to perform Rats Tales under the company name Siege of Herons.

Written by poet laureate Carol Ann Duffy and adapted by Melly Still, Rats’ Tales combines folk stories from around the world to present a play that deals with the sometimes painful and sometimes hilarious transition from childhood to adulthood.

The performance was an excellent success, the cast committed to the grotesque style and gave entertaining, dark and magical performances. Notable performances include Issy’s quirky portrayal of the Little Girl and Hannah’s comically dark adaptation of the Witch. All of the cast worked tirelessly to perform and sell tickets on the Royal Mile and give a spirited performance every day and should be extremely proud of their achievements.

A massive well done and congratulations is due to old girl Ella who returned to the LHS Drama Department to direct, design and tech the performance. The performance was beautifully directed and her Gothic costume design gave a wonderful aesthetic to the piece.

Whilst in Edinburgh students also took advantage of the opportunity to see a variety of performances on offer including a range of genres and styles of theatre which will inspire their theatre making when continuing to study A Level Drama in year 13. All of the students that attended the trip really enjoyed themselves and had an experience of a lifetime, many have decided to come along again next year!

Many thanks to all of the members of staff that made this trip possible including Miss Boon for organising the trip, Miss Hooper and Ms Bruton for giving up their time to supervise during the trip.