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Year 7 Fundraise for School in Malawi

Year 7 Fundraise for School in Malawi featured image

Year 7 at the Grammar School made a long-term commitment to supporting the pupils at Nkope Hill School in Malawi.

Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, and because secondary education is not free many parents cannot afford it. LGS have formed close links with a charity known as the Malawi Association for Christian Support and this charity sponsors pupils through their secondary education. If each boy in Year 7 donates just £1 per term we will be able to support at least 10 pupils throughout their whole secondary education at Nkope Hill School.

Two of the trustees of MACS are retired members of staff from LGS, and they have visited Malawi to make sure the money is being spent correctly. Mr Parton has every confidence that this charity makes a real and genuine difference to the lives of young people in Malawi. For more information please visit their website:

Mr Parton is delighted to have received a photo (below) of the Head unwrapping their new printer that LGS Year 7 paid for with funds raised by the Santa Fun Run and Yr 7 family quiz evenings. Well done to the boys!

Year 7 Fundraise for School in Malawi featured image
Year 7 Fundraise for School in Malawi featured image