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UCAS Milestone – the first applications and offers of 2020!

UCAS Milestone – the first applications and offers of 2020! featured image

The start of a new school year always sees the starting gun fired for Year 13’s to nail down their post-18 choices. For many LGS students this next step is university and in September the university application process opens. The current Year 13s have returned from their lockdown with superb focus on this, and we are pleased and proud that we already have 12 students who have fully completed and submitted their university applications, with more than two-dozen other applications ready to be sent. Four boys have already received offers from universities including Exeter, Leeds, and Bristol for a range of courses. We are enjoying working with boys on their personal statements and working with those boys who plan to apply for apprenticeships, degree apprenticeships, gap years, the military and BTECs after their A Levels.

 Miss Sarah Jenkins
Assistant Head (Sixth Form)