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Meet the new Head Boy and deputy Head Boys

Meet the new Head Boy and deputy Head Boys featured image

Meet the new Head and Deputy Head Boys: Oscar, Louis, Hubert, Daniel, Fin and Mustafa. 

 The Head Boys play an integral part in enhancing student voice at the school. They lead assemblies and attend meetings with the education leadership team. As positive role models they meet with fellow students to provide wellbeing and education support. They will also provide key student insight at events such as Open Days.  



When I arrived from a quiet village primary school into this artistically, socially and academically bustling place, I was instantly in awe. Many of the numerous groups that make up our school community have taken me in as the years have gone by, from Hebrew to hockey, from debating to music, and it is through these that the school has allowed and encouraged me to grow in ways I never would have imagined as a bewildered Year 7. Looking to the future, with me as Head Boy, the school will continue to foster the ambition that all of these opportunities allow us to have, and I will be a link between these different communities which have allowed me to grow so much over my time at school. 



It’s a privilege to be on the head boy team for this year. I am someone who is driven by morals and a desire to always do what is right and not what is easy, delivering success and growing as a person. It is this attitude I will endeavour to instil at this school, having fun and enjoying the company of each other along the way. Alongside my peers, we want this year to be a year of success and of positive change within school, leaving these walls having added to the rich tapestry of LGS legacy.  



I’ve been at this school since year7 and have loved my time here. I study Maths, Biology and PE for my A-Levels  

As one of the deputies my focus is simple, create an environment where young leaders and role-models can shine. Based off my experience as junior house captain and through various sports teams in school, I have seen first hand how incredibly valuable these early leadership opportunities have been in making me into the young man I am today. So, as I am now nearing the end of my time here, I will make sure that our school continues to shape and positively influence boys, now and for years to come, into the great men they can be. 


I have attended this school since year 7, and before that attended Fairfield from reception up until the end of year 6. I study Politics, Latin, Classical Civilisations and History at A level. As part of the team, I want to ensure that all students feel comfortable and welcome within LGS, and I will ensure that we as a team maintain a focus on issues of inclusivity and wellbeing, which are very important to me. I also understand the importance of extra-curricular activities, sports and music to the school experience. Furthermore, I hope to champion all students, especially those who are neurodivergent, as I myself am Autistic, and as such understand the challenges which some students may face on a regular basis. 



My aim as a student leader, will be to foster a sense of community by encouraging participation in events and activities, enriching students’ experiences and sense of belonging. I will mentor younger students, promote leadership opportunities, and support academic excellence by encouraging intellectual curiosity and creativity. I will advocate for increased mental well-being resources and a healthy work-life balance, ensuring students feel valued and understood. Investing in the leaders of Loughborough Grammar school will be key to future success. 



I study Economics, Politics, History and Maths, and frequently enjoy debating at the Senior Debating Society. Since joining LGS in 2018, I have served on various committees within the student body, and especially the Student Council. Now, I have been given the amazing opportunity to lead their operations. My mission is to ensure that the student body runs smoothly and efficiently whilst crucially remaining representative of our peers who elect us. As part of the Head Boy Team, I will also be able to help turn ideas into action by harnessing the potential of the student body to create meaningful and lasting change, so that the Head Boy Team has the strongest and proudest legacy possible when we walk through the Tower and out of the Quadrangle for the final time. 

Mustafa will lead the Whole School Council, supported by Matthew (Deputy Head of School Council), the Heads of House Councils Alex (Abney), Mishaan (Davys), Alfie (Pulteney) and Lucky (Yates) and the House Year Representatives.