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Head’s Introduction

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Our guest blogger this week is Mrs Helen Foster, Deputy Head Pastoral….

It is often said that the most important job you will ever have is to be a parent and it is well known that it is the very job that we have no formal training for, let alone qualifications. Furthermore, parenting today has become even more complicated by external pressures over which we can feel that we have little say or knowledge of how to deal with. At Loughborough Grammar School we have an excellent insight into this modern day parenting and as a parent you entrust us to educate and develop your child to be ready to face the day-to-day challenges now and after school. This expertise in knowing how boys navigate their world is invaluable for parenting and the launch of the LboroGSPastoral tweet is to collaborate with you so that you have tactics, tools and advice at hand as you raise your son.

So in those moments waiting in the car at pick up, boiling the kettle at home before a well-deserved cup of tea, or just before you launch into the purchase of a suitable device for your son’s Christmas present, please have a look at our twitter feed. We look forward to working together, developing the members of the School and taking some of the pressure out of parenting by knowing that we are better informed of what is going on in the boys’ world.

Follow our twitter feed at LboroGSPastoral to support your parenting on topics such as: moving into senior school; ways to help build your son’s resilience; having difficult conversations; gaming – the good and the bad; the REAL men initiative; supporting your son’s learning; how to FAIL successfully and much more.