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Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles Evening

Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles Evening featured image

Boys from Years 9 – 11 invited relatives they have not seen for ages to an evening of conversation and memory sharing under the guidance of Bill Jennings from Time and Space.  Somehow the Zoom technology and the fact that Bill and his wife Lisa are based in Melbourne Australia, did not undermine this wonderful evening. Aunts from Germany, Uncles from France, relatives from Wales and Grandparents much closer to hand, all called up to speak with their Grammar School boy. Memories of school were shared treasures such as a model fort, baby photographs, a special guitar, children’s sketches were all shown and discussed. Plans were made for after lockdown reunions and the evening finished by saying thank you for being there for each other. A very lovely evening was spent simply in the company of loved ones, even if it was online.