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First STEM Lesson for RAF STEM Flights

First STEM Lesson for RAF STEM Flights featured image

Thursday 17 September, marked the inaugural lesson for our brand-new RAF STEM Flights. STEM stands for ScienceTechnologyEngineering and Maths. 

Did you know that the Government predicts that it needs to recruit over 87,000 Engineers every year for the next decade? Through STEM-related and practical problem-solving activities, we aim to expose cadets (and staff) to opportunities to shape and influence their career choices. All done in a manner that is practical and engaging, and not viewed as an extension of school. Whilst many of our cadets may not have a direct interest in military careers, we aim to show the idea of STEM as widely as possible, which may result in rewarding careers in the aerospace industry, cyber, design, mechanical engineering, technician training or apprenticeships.

In the Autumn term, we will be working through the Applications of Space Technology syllabus. This is a recognised course designed by the Open University, the link to which can be found via Firefly here—overview/stem-space-syllabus—open-university-course

Looking towards the future we aim to also get out of the classroom and take part in outdoor activities such as clay pigeon shooting, where we will follow a recognised course, delivered by qualified instructors.

This week, cadets were given two talks by the lead STEM Flights and the Leading Flights in order to help them decide which section they wish to join.

Please email Miss Katrina Cartwright if you are interested in being added to our STEM chat group on Microsoft Teams, even if you are not a cadet. All members of the Grammar School family are welcome to join our online group.

Miss Katrina Cartwright
Head of PSHE
Physics Teacher
Civilian Instructor CCF