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Brit Award-winner witnesses top talent at Loughborough Schools Music Technology Showcase

Brit Award-winner witnesses top talent at Loughborough Schools Music Technology Showcase featured image

Brit Award-winning Basement Jaxx member, Felix Buxton (Loughborough Grammar School 1988) formed part of the audience at the Music Technology Showcase last month, featuring two year 13 Loughborough Grammar School boys showing off their incredible musical talent.

The evening, which was hosted by music industry professional, Firas Waez (Loughborough Grammar School 2001) took place earlier this month and saw the Loughborough Grammar boys do themselves proud. Hugo performed live electric guitar, mimicking the role of a session musician, while Ted monitored the set up in the control room to ensure a professional-sounding recording.

The 16-channel mixing desk, extensive outboard equipment and Ableton Live digital audio workstations are tools found in professional studios. Ted expertly balanced the channels, applying equalization and compression whilst utilising the digital and tape effects processors for ambience.

After proving their worth in a live recording context, the students then shared music they had written and produced with the audience, with Ted playing tracks from his upcoming EP, set for release in the Autumn.

Felix Buxton, who has spent his entire professional life crafting electronic music, picking up Best British Dance Act at the Brits in 2004, and headlining the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury in 2005, was particularly interested in the unique sound worlds the pupils had created using synthesis.

Hugo, who is going on to study Music at university, said: “The experience was really great.  You don’t really get the opportunity that often to just sit and go through all the fun details and bits of a song that you spend so long fine-tuning.”

Ted said: “It was a really good experience just sharing my music in that type of environment.”

Both pupils received invaluable feedback and advice from the distinguished guests and were encouraged to continue creating music – no matter the category, style or genre. Firas, who has been mentoring the two pupils, said that they “are both incredible talents” and he hopes they will go far in the professional music industry in the future.

Hugo and Ted have taken full advantage of the musical expertise on offer at Loughborough Schools Music throughout their Loughborough Grammar School journey.

Hugo has been working with professional level digital audio workstations since Year 8 and has engineered a variety of projects since Sixth Form. Ted can often be found in one of the Music School’s two studios splicing samples into captivating beat tracks. With mentorship from Firas Waez, Ted has been encouraged to curate collections of his music and package them into commercial releases.

Rob Abba, Music Technology Teacher at Loughborough Schools Music said: “Over the last two years the boys have developed massively as music composers and producers. It was a delight to hear the amazing work produced by them for their own projects, over and above the requirements of the Music Technology course. No wonder the industry professionals were so impressed!”

Music Technology is an increasingly popular A Level option at Loughborough Grammar School, with students utilising the expert teaching and professional standard facilities to further their passions for contemporary music, sound engineering and production skills. Recent alumni are now studying on the prestigious Music and Sound Recording (Tonmeister) course at the University of Surrey and the Creative Music Technology course at Bath Spa University.

  • Brit Award-winner witnesses top talent at Loughborough Schools Music Technology Showcase featured image
  • Brit Award-winner witnesses top talent at Loughborough Schools Music Technology Showcase featured image
  • Brit Award-winner witnesses top talent at Loughborough Schools Music Technology Showcase featured image
  • Brit Award-winner witnesses top talent at Loughborough Schools Music Technology Showcase featured image
Brit Award-winner witnesses top talent at Loughborough Schools Music Technology Showcase featured image Brit Award-winner witnesses top talent at Loughborough Schools Music Technology Showcase featured image Brit Award-winner witnesses top talent at Loughborough Schools Music Technology Showcase featured image Brit Award-winner witnesses top talent at Loughborough Schools Music Technology Showcase featured image