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Art Exhibition

Art Exhibition featured image

The Art department would like to thank the boys, parents and friends of the School who attended our annual Exhibition on Friday 24 May. It was a fantastic evening which celebrated the artistic skills of all ages. The feedback we have received has been very positive and pays great tribute to both the boys’ extreme efforts and undeniable talents. We are particularly aware that the examination work displayed has received hours and hours of meticulous care, and we hope the boys found it rewarding to finally see their work showcased under the spotlights. The phrases “breath-taking”, “unbelievable” and “better than any degree work I have seen” were spoken by visitors, which we think is no exaggeration. Well done, boys!

  • Art Exhibition featured image
  • Art Exhibition featured image
  • Art Exhibition featured image
  • Art Exhibition featured image
  • Art Exhibition featured image
Art Exhibition featured image Art Exhibition featured image Art Exhibition featured image Art Exhibition featured image Art Exhibition featured image