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The Loughborough Grammar School Class of 2023 are to be commended for their excellent A Level grades. We are very proud of their achievements and commend the positive attitude, focus and ambition they have shown throughout the Sixth Form.

47% of grades were at A* or A with 10 boys achieving an outstanding sweep of 3 or more A* grades. An impressive 28% of boys achieved grades of AAA or higher and can look forward to a very bright future.

Our students will be pursuing a wide range of courses including History, Engineering, Law, Psychology, Natural Sciences, Computer Science, Physiotherapy, Geography, Pharmacy, Classics, Music Production and Modern Foreign Languages.

9 students have secured places at Medical school, 4 at Law School, 1 at Veterinary School and 6 students will take up places at Oxbridge. Others are opting for Degree Apprenticeships or planned gap years at home and abroad.

Whatever paths our students follow we wish them success and happiness for the year ahead.

Morag Herring 

Deputy Head (Academic) 


Results summary 

  • 47% of grades were at A* or A
  • 8 boys scored all A* with four of them earning 4A* each
  • 28% scored AAA or higher
  • 56% AAB or higher
  • 31 boys achieved the EPQ (Extended Project Qualification), 55% at A*/A
  • 59% of our boarding students achieved A*/A grades which is a very impressive achievement.  Two achieved all A* grades.


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  • A Level Results featured image
  • A Level Results featured image
  • A Level Results featured image
  • A Level Results featured image
  • A Level Results featured image
  • A Level Results featured image
  • A Level Results featured image
  • A Level Results featured image
  • A Level Results featured image
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