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Year 5 Trip to the Galleries of Justice

Year 5 Trip to the Galleries of Justice featured image

On Thursday, Year 5 enjoyed an excellent interactive learning experience at the National Justice Museum in Nottingham. The children had great fun role playing a cyberbullying case in the main civil courts. They also toured the jail and dungeons where they saw the harsh conditions endured by mediaeval prisoners. They then saw how jails changed during the eighteenth century so that prisoners no longer paid for food and bedding but had to work for 12 hours a day in the laundry. All of these activities linked with our PSHEE topic of ‘Rules and Responsibilities’ and they will also inform the activities in our ‘Cyberbullying’ workshop, to be held later in the term. Our North America topic was enhanced by a convict ship exhibit. The children investigated the interactive displays to discover how dangerous and unpleasant life was on board ships that took convicts and early settlers on perilous voyages across the Atlantic Ocean to the New World of North America