Assessment Dates
- Saturday 18 January Entrance Assessments (Reception)
- Thursday 23 January Assessment and Taster Day (Year 1 -6)
- Tuesday 1 April Assessment and Taster Day (Reception – Year 6)
How will my child be assessed?
Admission to the School in Reception follows an assessment process to evaluate your child’s potential for learning. This is undertaken in the School setting and combines both a one-to-one session alongside a group session focussing in on social interactions.
Children attending our Kindergarten unit who joined in the first half of the Autumn term will not require an assessment to move into Reception. Any child joining Kindergarten in the Autumn term in the second half-term or later will be required to sit the 4plus if they wish to move into Reception.
Years 1 – 2
Children are invited to spend a morning at the School where they are assessed in literacy, numeracy and potential for learning. All the work is set at National Curriculum ability levels appropriate for the age group.
Years 3-6
Children attend an Entrance Assessment where they will have assessments in: Maths, English (creative writing/reading & comprehension and non-verbal reasoning). All the work is set at National Curriculum ability levels appropriate for the age group.
Fairfield Year 5 Pupils
All Fairfield pupils, who joined the School prior to the start of Year 4, are guaranteed a place at one of the Foundation Senior Schools by the end of Year 5. As in previous years, the child’s class teacher will continue to discuss your child’s progress and during the summer term of Year 5, on the basis of tracking and monitoring of performance, all pupils will be offered a Year 7 place at either Loughborough Grammar School or Loughborough High School and/or Loughborough Amherst School.
Boys and girls are welcome to join our Kindergarten aged 3+. Places are available on a full and part-time (3 or 4 days) basis during term time, subject to availability. Admission to Kindergarten is by application only and in accordance with Section 2 of our Admissions Policy. Children then enter Reception in the September after their 4th birthday.
Kindergarten children can join the Breakfast Club from 07:45, and the After-School Club which operates daily until 18:00. Both of these Clubs are included in the Kindergarten fees.
Personal tours are available for the Kindergarten unit and these are arranged with the Registrar. We also hold Open Mornings throughout the year for parents to view the facilities and meet the Kindergarten Manager and staff who are happy to answer all questions.
Once an application has been made, at a mutually convenient time, the children are invited to a ‘Stay and Play’ session ahead of their start date, before an offer of a place is made. During the pre-entry assessment, prospective children will be given a variety of activities to explore and staff will consider concentration levels, language skills and importantly, an eagerness and readiness to learn.
Please note, we also assess children for Entrance throughout the year, subject to places being available.