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The vision of our Learning Support Department is for all students to thrive, being able to progress and succeed in an environment of high expectation, nurture, care and support.

As a team we work with children, staff and parents throughout the school to provide targeted support in and out of the classroom, to ensure that all children are happy and able to fulfil their potential.

Pupils progress is monitored through regular assessment during their time at Fairfield. This is a combination of ongoing teacher assessment, screening/tracking assessments and more formal assessment in the Upper Prep.

Any concerns identified are discussed with the class teacher, Learning Support Co-ordinator, the child’s parents/carers and other relevant staff. Appropriate support is put into place following our graduated response of; quality first teaching, in class support as needed and appropriate out of class boosters/interventions.

The success of the intervention or booster is monitored via assessment and tracking processes. Support is adapted as necessary to work towards the desired outcomes. Regular meetings between class teacher, parent, Learning Support Co-ordinator and relevant support staff occur throughout the support process. On consultation with parents/carers referral to outside agencies for additional support such as Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language/Occupational Therapists may be made if we feel specific barriers to learning may be present.

Learning Support featured image
Learning Support featured image

The Team:

Nanette Coombes: Learning Support Coordinator/SENCo

Julie Earnshaw: Maths Support Teacher

Sally Rudman: Read Write Inc Manager and Teaching Assistant

Jane Stanyard: Teaching Assistant and 1:1 screening technician

Year group based Teaching Assistants throughout the school also work with individuals during assembly and reading times for specific booster programmes.

What kinds of Special Educational Need and Disability (SEND) are provided for at Fairfield?

At Fairfield we will use our best endeavours to meet a pupil’s SEND. We are an academically selective school and are best able to cater for mild conditions within the four broad areas listed below.

Children’s special educational needs are generally thought of in the following four broad areas of need and support:

  • communication and interaction
  • cognition and learning
  • social, emotional and mental health
  • sensory and/or physical needs.

(Special Educational Needs Code of Practice Para 5.32)

However, it is recognised that a child’s needs may be in one or more of these areas.

At Fairfield Prep School, Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) refers to any circumstances resulting in an individual pupil requiring additional or different help in order to take full advantage of the educational opportunities offered to children of the same age.

To view documents such as our SEND policy, SEN information Report or EAL policy, please head to policies.

The Learning Support Co-ordinator/SENCo for Fairfield Prep School including EYFS (Reception and Kindergarten) is:

Mrs Nanette Coombes: 01509 215172