Our Pre-Prep Library is situated upstairs in the new building and it used by all the children in Kindergarten, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. They all have a timetabled lesson in the library which is well stocked with thousands of books, stories on CD and Story Sacks.
The library is a comfortable and colourful environment with reading dens, sofas and computers placed at child level to enable them to take turns at being Librarian for the session.
The facility is open to parents/carers every Monday and Thursday from 15:30 to 16:00.

Upper Prep
Situated in the White House and used by all children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 our Main Library houses a vast selection of fiction and non-fiction books, plus a bank of library iPads and Kindles.
All pupils in Years 3 to 6 enjoy a double library lesson. Books are arranged according to their Accelerated Reader level and all children take a Star test every half term which focuses on their reading comprehension. Each child is then given a wide range of books to choose from, with the aim that they will choose a book they will want to read, understand and enjoy. After each book they take a short quiz on their iPads and gain points towards their individual target.
Year 3 also have an extensive Accelerated Reader library close to their classrooms.
Open every morning before school from 08:30, every break-time and lunchtime from 13:15, it’s ideal for children to choose books and relax and enjoy a cosy read on the beanbags. It is also open every evening after school from 15:30 until 17:00 for pupils to visit with their parents/carers and there are also homework facilities available.