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Year 5 House Cross Country

Year 5 House Cross Country featured image

The weather Gods were looking down on us on Thursday morning, perfect timing for the annual Year 5 House Cross Country competition which was held at the Grammar School Playing Field in Quorn. Due to the effects of Storm Ciara the course had been altered from previous years and the children were excited to learn that a new course record would be set. The year 5 classes had been preparing for the competition for the last 5 weeks during their PE lessons and although many were particularly nervous they knew they were capable of completing the course. After a swift photo shoot, led by Mr Sheikh, and a warm up in their houses, Mr Caldwell started the boys and girls off on their route! The year 6 Hares, Jude, Joe and Freddie, did a fantastic job of guiding the children around the course. The sunny and bright conditions seemed to help the children forget the muddy conditions underfoot, as they splashed through puddles and large patches of mud. So many of the children ran superbly, with a great race between the front two boys of Leo and Oliver. Oliver made a run for home with just over 200m to go and held on to run strongly through the line. The front two were closely followed by Miles, Darrell and Joshua, with a great race between these 3. The first girl home was Polly, again setting a super time and leading the way for the Normans. She was closely followed by Hattie, Lucy, Minnie Connie and Alexa all of who surprised themselves with how well they had run. As children crossed the line they stood along the finishing tunnel and the end of the course cheering their friends and house members on, creating a great atmosphere and some spine tingling moments. Well done to all the children in year 5; you behaved superbly, tried your best and were great ambassadors for sportsmanship. Thank you to all the parents, by far the largest turn out we have seen, the catering department, all of the Estates staff and the Year 5 team for helping us to host such a lovely morning.

Please have a look at the full gallery here

The PE Department

1st Vikings

2nd Romans

3rd Normans

4th Saxons

  • Year 5 House Cross Country featured image
  • Year 5 House Cross Country featured image
  • Year 5 House Cross Country featured image
  • Year 5 House Cross Country featured image
  • Year 5 House Cross Country featured image
  • Year 5 House Cross Country featured image
  • Year 5 House Cross Country featured image
  • Year 5 House Cross Country featured image
  • Year 5 House Cross Country featured image
Year 5 House Cross Country featured image Year 5 House Cross Country featured image Year 5 House Cross Country featured image Year 5 House Cross Country featured image Year 5 House Cross Country featured image Year 5 House Cross Country featured image Year 5 House Cross Country featured image Year 5 House Cross Country featured image Year 5 House Cross Country featured image