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U11 Bromsgrove Hockey Tournament

U11 Bromsgrove Hockey Tournament featured image

An exceedingly early start to Saturday morning saw the girls hockey squad make the journey to Bromsgrove School to compete in their annual tournament. This is an excellent competition and enables teams an opportunity to prepare for the upcoming IAPS Finals. The tournament saw two pools of six teams with the winners of each group contesting the final. The girls played incredibly well and put in some fabulous performances; their determination, resilience and team spirit were evident in every game and they deservedly secured top spot in their group. With the smallest of breaks between their final pool match and the final itself, the team were not too surprised to find their opponents were Foremarke Hall. Having played them and drawn against them at our own tournament only a couple of weeks ago, the girls went into the game excited but also very nervous. With tweets to the formation and a steely desire to put in the hardest shift of the day, the team were outstanding and worked tirelessly until the final whistle. The final result was a 2-0 win, a result that the girls should feel tremendously proud of and one which should give them confidence to take forward to Friday when they compete in the IAPS Regional Finals. My heartfelt thanks to the wonderful parental support, it really inspired the children play as well as they did.

Pool Results

Vs King’s St Albans      4-0 win

Vs Bromsgrove B          5-0 win

Vs King Henry’s            5-0 win

Vs The Elms, Colwall    1-0 win

Vs Abberley Hall           3-0 win


Vs Foremarke Hall 2-0 win

  • U11 Bromsgrove Hockey Tournament featured image
U11 Bromsgrove Hockey Tournament featured image