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School Shoes Donation

School Shoes Donation featured image

On the penultimate day of the Summer Term, all Fairfield pupils were invited to change another child’s life.. . ..

All pupils were asked that at the end of the school day on Tuesday 11th July 2017, they take their school shoes off and place them on their desk and leave school barefoot. We will give the donated shoes to a child in Africa via the wonderful work of Sal’s Shoes.

Those shoes, which are unlikely to be used again because feet grow over the summer or are a little scuffed will be replaced in time for the new school year, won’t just sit in the shoe cupboard getting in the way, but will have a second life.

The whole school leaving barefoot was a powerful message to show that Fairfield want to help those fellow school children who have no choice and leave school barefoot every day.

The pupils loved leaving school in their bare feet and were jumping in puddles and dancing in the rain!

To find out more about Sal’s Shoes you can visit their website or Facebook page