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Murton Park

Murton Park featured image

Last week our Year 3 children travelled to Murton Park in York, to be Roman soldiers for the day. The children learnt about how the Romans held such a large empire for so long and about what life would have been like for Legionaries in the Roman Army.

There were a host of Roman activities for the children to try their hands at. By the end of the day the children had become accomplished swordsmen and women and had learnt how to make oil lamps out of clay. The children’s navigation abilities were put to the test and they also learnt how to write their names in Latin.

The children even learnt some formations used by the Roman Army, such as the Testudo, or Tortoise. This came in handy when an angry Celt appeared at the Camp’s gates, demanding the Romans leave their country. Thankfully the children’s day of training prepared them for such an event and the Celt was soon sent packing!