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The Pre Prep came together to hold their annual Harvest Service on Thursday morning. They were celebrating the fruits of the earth and highlighting the importance of the precious gift of water. The children all sang with gusto and visitors, staff and our guest speaker, the Foundation’s Chaplin, Reverend York, were all in agreement that the event was a highly successful extravaganza in support of our local charities. Many thanks goes to all the families who made such very generous donationsLater in the morning, Reverend York led the Upper Prep Harvest assembly, where she reminded us of how important it is to remember those who do not enjoy the comforts of a safe home and loving family. She told us that this is not just a problem to be seen in big cities and that people need our support in Loughborough too. She then went on to tell us about the good work carried out in Loughborough and Syston by the charities receiving our donations. On Thursday afternoon, your kind donations were distributed by our staff to The Bridge Project, Carpenters Arms, The Salvation Army and Glebe House in Loughborough. Donations were also delivered to The Syston Friendship Group and Women’s Aid Leicestershire for their women and children’s refuge in Leicester. Thank you for your kind generosity in helping those less fortunate than ourselves.All of the work related to our Harvest collection and distribution was brilliantly coordinated by Mrs Parsons who does this job on our behalf every year. We are very grateful for her energy and efficiency.