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Fairfield U11 Hockey

Fairfield U11 Hockey featured image

On a rather blustery afternoon the Fairfield U11 hockey teams ventured north to play The Elms School at Trent College. The girls were all extremely excited and showed wonderful enthusiasm throughout their matches. It was a super opportunity to develop their hockey skills and learn the finer details of taking penalty corners. Both squads worked really hard over the four quarters, passing well when in attack but also tracking back when put under pressure in defence. Teamwork and communication were key and through making substitutions the girls also showed their versatility. The final score for the A team was a 1-0 win to The Elms whilst the B team finished with a 2-2 draw. The girls all played really well and should be delighted with their performance. Many tanks to the parents who came to give the support.

Fairfield U11 Hockey featured image