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Fairfield raise over £4000 for the Rainbows Hospice

Fairfield raise over £4000 for the Rainbows Hospice featured image

Today we were very excited to give Gary from Rainbows a huge cheque, after all our fundraising at Fairfield last term. We raised an incredible £4187.12 and Gary told us all about how Rainbows will use this money. Many thanks to every pupil and parent who helped with this, and a special well done to our School Council who did so much to organise the fundraising.

"I would like to thank everyone at Fairfield School for choosing to support Rainbows as their Charity of the term. It’s been great to work with them, they’ve raised a fantastic amount. Without the support of schools like Fairfield, we would not be able to continue running the hospice, which brings care and support to life-limited children, young people and their families every day."

Gary Farnfield

Community Fundraiser at Rainbows