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Fabulous Fundraising

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Following lessons based on Human Rights and Fair Trade, Year 6 pupils have decided to be proactive and support children in Sri Lanka, by hopefully giving the gift of education.

Back in 2009, following a huge tsumani, Loughborough High School began rebuilding Galpoththa School and have to date raised a staggering £49,000. However, Government policy states that children are not allowed to attend school unless they have a uniform. Many families simply cannot afford this. It costs only £22 for a uniform and a pair of shoes.

With this in mind, Year 6 pupils decided that they would complete jobs for their families to earn money to help these children have access to the wonderful Galpoththa School. As you can see from the photographs they have all been very busy! Many thanks to the Year 6 children and their families for supporting such a worthwhile cause.

Fabulous Fundraising featured image
Fabulous Fundraising featured image