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Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa

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In 2019, Fairfield Prep School donated items of school furniture to a school in Livingstone Zambia. The donation was organised via the Rainbow Trust Africa, and the items were shipped last summer. For our pupils at Fairfield, it seems a long time since the equipment was collected however the container took much longer to travel and on arrival in Zambia, there were a number of customs delays resulting in the furniture sitting for a number of days at various borders. It finally arrived however in late November and the pupils at The Kings School have been excited about receiving the desks, chairs and other school items.


  • Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image
  • Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image
  • Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image
  • Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image
  • Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image
  • Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image
Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image Donation to Rainbow Trust Africa featured image