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Cross Country

Cross Country featured image

On Saturday 24th March, the County Cross Country finals took place at Prestwold Hall. .

Eight Fairfield runners represented Loughborough Area at this event and all came back with a medal of some colour, mostly in the team competition, which they all thoroughly deserved.

In addition to this Samer Stanley ran an incredible race to win the Year 3 boys’ competition to be crowned County Champion, winning the individual gold medal and trophy!

They are as follows:

Connie Blair, Millie Jean Waters – 2nd place (silver medals ) in Y3 girls’ team. Samer Stanley , Leo Tortajada, Darell Yeoh, James Waters- 1st place ( gold medals) in Y3 boys’ team . Tiernan Maguire -2nd place (silver medal) in Y5 boys’ team. Isabelle Smith – 3rd place (bronze medal) in Y6 girls’ team. Congratulations to each and every one.