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Year 6 Boys’ Hockey vs The Elms

Year 6 Boys’ Hockey vs The Elms featured image

The Year 6 boys enjoyed a constructive practice match against The Elms on Wednesday ahead of the IAPS Regional competition that takes place on Monday.It was a bright but chilly day, perfect conditions for hockey.The boys played very well and by the 3rdquarter they showed that they were starting to get the hang of their positions and began to formulate an effective game plan. Josh was very impressive and struck some firmly hit goals and Ollie supported well, picking up a goal himself.The boys did very well considering that, with a couple of exceptions, they have only really played at lunchtime clubs. The Elms had 3 players who were confident on the hockey pitch and they finished deserved winners. The score of 7 -4 was encouraging for Fairfield and shows that they are making good progress. We hope they enjoy themselves on Monday.

Mr Wilbraham