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At Fairfield we offer a wide range of co-curricular activities available at lunchtime and after school ranging from Little Wickets Cricket to Music Theory, from Running Club to Rainbows Dance. These clubs give pupils the opportunity to experience new activities with their friends, broadening their horizons and giving them an idea of which hobbies they would perhaps like to pursue further.

Click on any of the images below to find out more about the types of activities on offer:

Chess Club

Pupil playing with lego

Maths Club

Pupil playing in soundbites


Strategy Games Club

Triathlon Club

"Many pupils find pleasure and achieve personal and academic success in creative work and are encouraged to develop their interest and talent in drawing, painting and textile work"

ISI Inspection Report

Examples of some of the many clubs available:

Junior Percussion Boys Hockey Construction Club
Burton Choristers Girls NetballMaths Club
Cantamus HockeyPoetry club
Young StringsMandarin clubArt Club
Brass Group Girls HockeyComputer Club
Junior OrchestraDance Bananagrams
Junior Wind BandFootballKnitting club
ViolinsRunning ClubBrownies (aged 7-10)
Flute GroupFrench clubRainbows (aged 5-7)
Junior JazzTennisCookery Club
Lower StringsLittle Wickets CricketMinecraft club
Assembly BandBasketballGeneral Knowledge club
Guitar GroupGym clubDebating club
Music TheoryEco-clubBollywood Dance class
Reeds GroupStorytime Create club
Harp EnsembleCreate Club (Reception)Chess Club
Dance clubJunior Prep ChoirPrep Percs
Pre Prep ChoirPrep OrchestraSenior Prep Choir
Little FingersTabla clubKeyboard Skills club
Prep ReedsPrep BrassPrep Flutes