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Engendering a ‘love of learning’ within a supportive environment of high expectation and 'challenge for all’ is a main focus at Fairfield Prep. We aim for challenge and opportunity to be intrinsic in everything we do. High expectation for all in curricular areas is embedded through the introduction of a new Creative Curriculum and staff focus on ensuring optimum engagement in lessons. Wide opportunities within the curriculum and through the myriad of visits, residential trips and extra-curricular opportunities on offer in areas such as sport, STEM, music, dance, drama and art help to develop the ‘whole child’, giving them confidence to take part and enjoy success.

We were very proud to be accredited in March 2019 with the National Association for Able Children in Education (NACE) Challenge Award, as further external recognition of Fairfield’s commitment to high quality whole school curricular and extracurricular provision for all pupils. The award celebrates the school’s ambition and success at providing challenge through rigorous monitoring, planning and focus on encouraging children to think and be independent in their learning.


Stretch and Challenge featured image
Stretch and Challenge featured image

Please see our curricular, departmental and extra curricular pages as well as our Able, Gifted and Talented Policy for more information on how we support, engage and nurture our most able pupils.

"Fairfield Prep School has worked hard to attain accreditation through the NACE Challenge Award. It has shown itself to be committed to developing an environment in which all learners are challenged and supported to be the best they can be."

Sue Riley