Fairfield Prep School is regularly inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). This is the body approved by the Department of Education for the purpose of inspecting schools belonging to Independent Schools Council (ISC) Associations and reporting on compliance with independent school regulations. ISI inspections are also carried out under arrangements of the ISC Associations for the maintenance and improvement of the quality of their membership.

In 2023, the ISI released its new framework for inspection. Rather than giving an overall judgement such as ‘good’ or ‘excellent,’ as the framework previously awarded, it now focuses on nuanced reporting in the following specific areas:

  • Leadership, management and governance
  • Pupils’ education, training and recreation
  • Pupils’ physical and mental health and wellbeing
  • Pupils’ social and economic wellbeing and contribution to society
  • Safeguarding


Summary of the ISI Inspection Report 2024

A team of inspectors from the Independent Schools Inspectorate spent over two days examining every aspect of school life at Fairfield School. Please read our latest ISI Inspection Report.

Pupils are known and understood by staff and leaders, fostering a powerful sense of belonging and community.

…a nurturing and inclusive environment where pupils are valued and supported to achieve their potential.

Pupils communicate thoughtfully and demonstrate respect towards others, developing valuable life skills for the future.

Pupils consolidate their learning by applying their knowledge and skills to real-life problems, which helps to equip them for the future.

Inspection Reports and Reviews featured image
Inspection Reports and Reviews featured image

Pupils of all ages exemplify excellent attitudes to learning. Pupils are mature and disciplined learners who take great pride in their work and are keen to improve. They describe how much they enjoy working collaboratively and do so sensibly and effectively in lessons. Younger pupils work diligently on tasks set without prompting and older pupils demonstrate sustained self-motivation and concentration when working on writing tasks.

Leaders enable pupils to develop their social and cultural understanding through a curriculum that promotes recognition and respect for diverse belief systems. Pupils build positive relationships, develop empathy through charitable activities, and understand the significant of tolerance and respect in wider society.


Good Schools Guide

Fairfield Prep School has also been recognised by independent reviewers for its high academic standards and commitment to pastoral care, amongst other things.

“Particularly noticeable is how curiosity, critical thinking and creativity are encouraged at every turn.”

Good Schools Guide 2023

