The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is offered to Loughborough High School pupils in Years 9 and above. All levels of the Award Scheme, Bronze, Silver and Gold, are run at the school.
There are currently more than 70 girls participating in Bronze, 60 in Silver and 30 in Gold. Expeditions are run to various areas throughout the UK including the Lake District, Snowdonia and Dartmoor. The School has a wide range of modern equipment for girls to borrow on their expeditions.
Below is some feedback from students who completed their expeditions over the Summer on what they thought the best thing about D of E was:
“A new experience with my friends.”
“Getting to know people.”
“The sense of achievement.”
“The camping and waking up in the morning to a beautiful view.”
“Having independence and freedom with my friends.”
“Learning new skills with my friends.”
“Finishing the Gold expedition and learning how to canoe!”
“Really challenging myself and getting to know my friends even more.”
“Having lots of fun with friends and coming back with some hilarious tales to tell.”
To find out more about the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award click here.