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Congratulations to all of our brilliant Year 11s on your fabulous GCSE results. We can’t wait to see you in the Sixth Form!

We are delighted with these results, which reflect the hard work, ambition and dedication of our pupils. Almost two thirds of our GCSEs are graded 9 or 8, a really impressive achievement. In addition, 14 pupils achieved 8 x grade 9s or better. We are also thrilled to learn that one of our pupils has achieved one of the top marks in Latin in the country – a fabulous achievement for her and our Classics department.

Everyone is to be congratulated on their results and hard work.

Results Highlights

  • 14 students achieved 8 x grade 9s or better
  • 38% of GCSEs graded 9;
  • 61% of GCSEs graded 9-8;
  • 74% of GCSEs graded 9-7
  • 93% of GCSEs graded 9-5
  • Every pupil who took Latin GCSE achieved the top grade.

Pupil Comments

Charlot is delighted with her results having achieved grades 9 and an 8 as well as a B in Additional Maths. Both she and her mother were pleased with the results particularly after the challenges presented by Covid during KS3. Charlot is now looking forward to studying Maths, Physics and Computer Science at A Level and Additional Maths.

Freya said she was, “Really pleased” with her results and that she’d exceeded her expectations, particularly as she can now go on to study Chemistry, Biology and Geography at A Level, with a view to possibly reading Biology at university.

Antonia, accompanied by her very proud mum, was very happy as she, “did really well across the board and better than expected in some subjects!” She’s currently unsure of her ultimate end goal of university as she considers Sports Medicine or Sports Science but is looking forward to starting A Levels in Biology, PE and History.

Nadia is “very happy” with today’s results, but mum is, “Over the moon!” Nadia has her sights set on a Law degree but will be tackling Politics, Physics, French and Maths at A Level first.

Laura has found the two month wait for the results very hard and is “very relieved” with her results, she’s now very keen to start on her English, History, German and Greek A Levels.

Sukaina could hardly believe her results, saying she felt, “shocked – but very happy!” Another pupil who was relieved that all her hard work had paid off was Carys, whilst Izzy was very happy and relieved that she achieved what she wanted.

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