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Year 4 Bushcraft

Year 4 Bushcraft featured image

Despite the weather, Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their action packed residential trip to Bushcraft. After leaving the car park just after 08.00 on Wednesday 12 June, they made their way to the Cholmondeley Castle Gardens, for a two night stay in the woods. Children had the opportunity to learn a variety of skills; trap making, shelter building, first aid and survival, camouflage and concealment, to name but a few! Some of our more daring pupils even volunteered to eat a fish eye! There are some photos on Firefly for your perusal.

  • Year 4 Bushcraft featured image
  • Year 4 Bushcraft featured image
  • Year 4 Bushcraft featured image
Year 4 Bushcraft featured image Year 4 Bushcraft featured image Year 4 Bushcraft featured image