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Head of Learning Support Mrs Nanette Coombes

Nanette Coombes

Learning Support Co-ordinator

I initially joined the Fairfield Team as a class teacher in 1999, having previously lived and worked in London. I qualified from Reading University with a Bachelor of Education and a specialism in English/Drama and Special Educational Needs. Further study has led to a Psychology degree from The Open University and focussed study in the area of Dyslexia. Over the last twenty years I have been fortunate enough to teach in both the Pre-Prep and Upper Prep Departments and moved to the Senior Management Team eight years ago to take up the role of Learning Support Co-ordinator. I feel extremely privileged to hold this position which gives me the wonderful opportunity of working with children, staff and parents throughout the school. I am happily married with three wonderful daughters who have all been educated through Fairfield and the LSF Upper Schools. I enjoy cooking (and eating!), walking our soppy Labrador, playing with our four cats and have recently discovered Park Runs, to help combat my first hobby!!

"I feel extremely privileged to hold this position which gives me the wonderful opportunity of working with children, staff and parents throughout the school."