Above & beyond – contributing to the Community
The following sections demonstrate how Loughborough Schools Foundation, through strategies adopted, resources invested and significant activities undertaken, has carried out/achieved its charitable purposes/objectives for the public benefit. This has been achieved through delivery by a range of representatives from across all four schools within the Foundation.
Local events
In addition to playing an integral part of many local events listed within the Music section, LSF plays a significant part in the Loughborough Remembrance Day parade each year. The CCF squadron contributes around 250 pupils and 15 staff, plus the Corp of Drums. The squad takes a major part in the parade and service at the Carillon War Memorial, and leads a parade through the town.
Loughborough Schools Foundation provides many opportunities for its students to engage in volunteering within the local community. Activities include:
- 3000 hours of community service undertaken for a wide range of people, children and the elderly included, by LGS pupils undertaking the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
- LGS Chaplain supports worship in local churches, and is Chaplain to the Mayor of Charnwood
- A number of staff carry out additional voluntary professional roles within the community
LGS pupils in years 10 to 13 and LHS pupils can elect to do voluntary service for one afternoon per week, and undertake such tasks as volunteering in four local charity shops, visiting the elderly in three local care homes, visiting the housebound elderly and assisting at Rainbow’s Children’s Hospice. LGS organises an annual river cruise and lunch for senior citizens and this is supported by students. Contribution is made in time and effort to work on community projects, such as clearing undergrowth in local woodland.
International links
Not only is LSF proud of its connection, and support, within the local community it also supports schools globally. Programmes include:
- Staff and pupils from LHS fill shoe boxes with gifts for children around the world, collected and distributed by the Samaritan’s Purse Organisation
- Many LSF staff sponsor uniforms for pupils at its link school Galpothawala Primary in Sri Lanka, a total of 137 uniforms were sponsored this year making it possible for these children to attend school
Sharing our fundraising efforts
Pupils at our family of schools are strongly engaged in fundraising for a wide variety of causes, and understand that their efforts help to change the lives of many people of all ages who are less fortunate than themselves. This begins at the Prep school with its youngest children raising over £11,500 for local, national and international causes through a variety of activities.
Within the secondary schools, activities are led by a dedicated team of Senior Charity prefects. At the Loughborough Community Christmas Tree Festival alongside the school choirs LHS pupils raise funds for a local church. In addition, Y7 pupils organise activities to raise funds for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, who visit the school to talk to pupils. LGS and LHS also gathers food items for Harvest Festival distributed locally and Easter eggs for Rainbows Hospice and Women’s Refuge and collects new and nearly new toys to donate, through the Charnwood Christmas Toy Appeal, as gifts for children and teenagers in the local community.
Year 8 pupils from LHS supported the Emmanu’EL Apostolic Gospel Academy (EAGA) Choir by inviting them in to talk to the school and sing/drum to raise awareness and funds for the rebuilding of a community centre in Saffron Lane, Leicester.
The boys raise funds for a wide range of charities by their own efforts by such means as cakes sales and non-uniform days. Just over £10,100 was donated from these efforts for international, national and local charities last year.
Loughborough Amherst School (LAS) pupils raised £1,530 for LOROS (Leicestershire Hospice) and £1,775 for Heartlink.
LHS pupils raised £33,465 for a variety of local, regional and national charities of their choosing.