Back to Admissions Overview

1 Explore the website and make contact with the School

Contact the Registrar who will be happy to answer any queries that you may have about the School and who will also be able to discuss all areas of the process with you.


2 Visit our School

We offer the following opportunities to visit:

Personal Tours

  • Personal Tours of the School are available on school days by appointment. Come and meet with the Registrar and one of our senior boys and see the School at work.

Open Days

Virtual Visit

  • We are delighted to be able to offer parents the opportunity to hear about Loughborough Grammar School with a virtual 1:1 meeting. Please click here to register your interest.


3 Apply

Application Forms

In addition, you may wish to apply for:

  • Music Scholarships can be applied for by notifying us in the section on the Registration Form. Please submit this form by 09:00 on Monday 15 January 2024.
  • School Assisted Places (SAP). Please indicate if you wish to apply for a SAP on the Registration Form. Please submit the form by 31 October 2023.


4  Entrance Examination

Years 7 – 10

  • The Entrance Examination for entry in September 2025 to Years 6 and 7: Tbc
  • The Entrance Examination for entry in September 2025 for entry to Years 8 to 10: Tbc

Please note, we assess for Entrance throughout the year, and it is usual for boys to apply and join us at all times of the year. If you have any questions regarding any of the above information and dates, please contact the Registrar

Sixth Form

The assessment procedure has three parts:

  • GCSE results – or recognised equivalents
  • An interview
  • A report from your son’s present/most recent school

You should be expecting your son to achieve a total of at least 30 points from the sum of his five best GCSEs. He should also have gained a grade 5 in both English and Mathematics, with grade 7s in the subjects to be studied at A Level (or grade 8 for Mathematics). For those students who have not followed a GCSE course, we would expect a comparable academic standard and treat each applicant on an individual basis.

In addition, students from overseas are expected to have achieved a minimum of C1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (or a high B2 if the student is planning to study Maths and Sciences and scores well on these subject papers).

Interview – An interview gives us an opportunity to discuss current school work and to assess academic potential and personal qualities. We would like all of our students to take advantage of all the opportunities available at the Grammar School and we therefore look for evidence of, or potential for, self-motivation, involvement in co-curricular activities, a sense of social responsibility and of course, academic ability. Interviews may be held with: The Headmaster, Deputy Head (Academic), Head of Sixth Form or selected Heads of Department.

All applicants for entry into the Sixth Form will be asked to indicate their preferred choice of subjects for study at A Level at the time of their application.

5 Acceptance of an offer

Years 7 – 10

Offers for entry are sent out within two weeks of your son sitting his entrance examination. We request that acceptance of offers are made by the date specified in the offer letter.

Sixth Form

For entry to Year 12, provisional offers are made which are confirmed on GCSE results day. When the provisional offer is made, you will be asked to confirm the subjects which your son wishes to study and to sign the parent contract.

You will be asked to contact us on GCSE results day to notify us of the grades your son has achieved and, provided he has met the requirements specified in your offer letter, the provisional offer will be confirmed straight way. Should he not meet the entry requirements, it may be possible to offer courses in alternative subjects and we would be happy to discuss the possibilities with you.

Information on our Cancellation Policy can be found HERE

6 Induction programme

An admissions pack is sent to all those who have accepted places. An Induction Evening for all new pupils (Years 7-10) and parents is held towards the end of June and all new boys follow an induction programme on the first day of the Autumn term. An induction day for all new Sixth Form boys is held on the first day of the Autumn term.